British Literature
Classroom Outline
Course Calendar
Learning Resources
Handouts / Worksheets
Case Studies
Additional Reading
Extra Credit
What we're learning this week
Week 1 - Intro to British Literature
Week 2 - The Middle Ages (to ca. 1485)
Week 3 - The 16th Century (1485-1603)
Week 4 - The Early 17th Century (1603-1660)
Week 5 - The Restoration & 18th Century (1660-1785)
Week 6 - The Romantic Period (1785-1830)
Week 7/8 - The Victorian Age (1830-1901)
Week 9 - The Twentieth Century and After ( 1887-1913)
Week 10/11 - British Literature Today (1920s- 2020s)
Week 12/13 - Student Projects
Quiz Schedule
Quiz 1 (Into, Middle Ages, 16th century) : Week 3
Quiz 2 (17th and 18th century) : Week 5
Quiz 3 (Romantic Period) : Week 7
Quiz 4 (Victorian and Twentieth century) : Week 10
Quiz 5 (Today 1920s-2020s) : Week 12