LaTasha Ellis LaTasha Ellis

Aesop's Fables: Timeless Lessons

In this article, we'll embark on a conversational journey to explore ten of Aesop's most famous fables and the valuable insights they offer.

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LaTasha Ellis LaTasha Ellis

Fall 2021

As the Fall term comes to a close, and students say goodbye to all of the friends they’ve met in the past months, our final days together are bittersweet.

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LaTasha Ellis LaTasha Ellis

11 Types of Essays: A Guide to Essay Writing

Most writers will tell you that writing nonfiction is easier than writing fiction. This is the good news. Here, we will talk about the eleven different ways to write an essay or term paper for class.

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LaTasha Ellis LaTasha Ellis

4 Ways to Succeed in All of Your Classes

If you want to know how to get the most out of your classes, READ THIS BLOG POST. In this article, we'll dive into four effective tips that can set you up for success and help you make the most of your learning journey.

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Student Blogs

Blogging is a great way for students to express themselves in a safe online environment. Not only does it work to build creativity and self-expression, it can improve written communication skills without even thinking about it, and it can be downright fun to have your voice heard. Get examples of some inspirational classroom and personal blogs created by students.

Student Essays and Stories

The student essays published here exhibit the elements essential to high-quality, college-level writing. They are separated into three categories, and one student in each category is awarded a prize for his or her work. Prize winners are chosen based on creativity, critical thought, organization, and an awareness of the fundamentals of good writing.